Join us for Worship
8:00 AM: Rite I Holy Eucharist
10:00 AM: Rite II Holy Eucharist w/choir
(in person or online)
ALL are welcome!Our 10:00 AM service is live-streamed on YouTube and Facebook. Click here for the online linkClick here for our Christmas Services schedule.Click here to view this season’s Stewardship Talks from our parishionersClick here to make a pledge using our online form.
Feb 15 - Last Epiphany
Feb 18 - Ash Wednesday
Feb 22 - Lent 1
March 8 - Lent 3
March 15 - Lent 4
March 22 - Lent 5
April 2 - Maudy Thursday
Meditation Poem
April 3 - Good Friday - Meditation
April 4 - Easter Vigil
April 5 - Easter Day
April 12 - Second Sunday
Four-Fold Franciscan Blessing
Invitation to Communion