Preschool Daily Activities

TABLE TIME: A time to stimulate our fingers with manipulative toys: puzzles, stringing beads, small blocks, etc.
FREE PLAY: A time to choose friends and toys: dolls, puzzles, books, trucks, blocks, housekeeping and dress-up corner, etc.
CLEAN UP: A time to cooperate: helping put toys away.
SNACK: A time for refreshment: healthy snack and drink.
ART: A time to create: we use our imaginations with crayons, play dough, glue, paint, stickers, markers, chalk, etc.
CIRCLE: A time for group activities: songs, finger plays, musical instruments, stories, etc.
EXERCISE: A time to use our large muscles. All classes enjoy taking walks in our neighborhood and have fun playing in our outdoor play yard.
LUNCH: The children enjoy "eating out" with their friends.
WAITING FOR MOM OR DAD: A quiet time to look at books or chat with friends.
LUNCH BRUNCH: Extended hour option for all classes from 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM. (Exception: Two's Class). A quieter time to relax with a story, discover rice and bean tables, enjoy free play or games in the classroom or go outside to the play yard.
MUSIC CLASS: Music class is taught formally twice a month. Music experiences happen daily during class circle times.