2025 Lenten Series
Across the Kidron Valley
The Holy Land in Holy Week
In the late 4th century, a woman named Egeria traveled from what is now Spain on an extended pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Her letters to nuns in her community detail at length how Christians in the Holy Land marked the events of Holy Week at the very places they had taken place. Through her witness, the Gospel accounts of Jesus triumphal entry, passion, death, and resurrection are anchored into the land where Jesus spent the last week of his life.
During our sessions, Mother Leslie will use scripture, history, geography and her own pilgrimage to the places where Jesus spent the last week of his life, to add depth to our understanding of Holy Week. Together we will explore a new understanding of our own Holy Week liturgies.
Sessions will take place on four Thursdays, beginning on March 13th, and continuing on March 27th, April 3rd, and April 10th, from 7:00pm – 8:15pm on Zoom only. These Zoom sessions will be recorded and shared.
We will also hold a Lenten Quiet Morning “Pilgrimage in Place” on Saturday, March 22, 9:00am-Noon in Belmont Hall.