High School Youth (LOGOS)
Celebrating St. Matthew’s High School Youth…
Can You Help?
Slideshow is a combination of Destinations and High School Youth LOGOS pics

If we have learned anything in our time with your wonderful teens, it is that we can’t follow a course of “all talk and no action.” We are looking for one or two additional volunteers to help plan and guide youth activities during our meetings. Maybe you know a young person from your family or the community who wants experience working with youth, or you have been considering joining St. Matthew’s youth efforts. Now’s your chance! This is by no means a solo gig. You will be working collaboratively with a few other youth leaders to plan and execute meetings, with a particular focus on organizing fun and engaging activities.
Please contact Diana Drake at drakeink@aol.com if you or someone you know would like to get involved.
Thank you!
St. Matthews high school youth program for youth in 9th through 12th grade. The group meets during the school year (September to May) on Sunday evenings from 5:00pm–7:00pm. We have movie nights, fun outings, discussion sessions, service activities, a semi- annual lock-in, we also create and present a fall and spring liturgy and much more. We invite you to come explore new friendships and deepen your faith!
We're looking for people to help prepare meals for our high school youth group's Sunday evening gatherings (from 5-7pm).
You don't need to have a teen in the group; you don't need to do everything yourself. We can even offer suggestions for meals!