Preschool Curriculum
tuesday tots
16-23 months old, Tuesday Mornings 9:15-10:45 AM
During Tuesday Tots preschoolers attend with a parent/caregiver while forging new friendships with others, sampling a host of playthings, and testing out new skills.
2-3 years old
(3 morning sessions/week)
We seek to create a friendly atmosphere where children can learn to separate from their parents, be comfortable with adults and socialize with peers. We encourage children to share and cooperate with each other. We encourage growth in communication and development of self-control. We help the children to build a positive self-image.
3-4 years old
(3, 4 or 5 morning sessions/week)
This class builds on the concepts from the Two Year Old Class. The children learn to choose and participate in a variety of activities to strengthen their social, fine motor, gross motor and listening skills. Lessons are planned around different themes including: colors, shapes, seasons and holidays.
4-5 years old
(3, 4 or 5 morning sessions/week)
This class emphasizes the skills children need to be ready for kindergarten. Reading and mathematical readiness, science exploration, and listening and comprehension skills are developed. Lessons are planned around the alphabet letter of the week, numbers, nature, seasons and holidays.