Book Club
meets monthlY
St. Matthew’s Book Club is open to all interested readers and meets monthly in the Church library or Classroom C on the third Thursday of the month. Our reading selections offer a way to explore books through fellowship and discussion and are led by a different parishioner each month. Our discussions are lively and have been thought provoking and enlightening. We also celebrated our 100th Book in October ‘22!
Contact Holly Weise (609-737-1064) for more information or suggestions.
All are welcome!
If you are attending for the first time, please call Holly to confirm the date. The dates and selections appear below and usually appear in the Sunday bulletin and monthly newsletter.
Fall 2024 Schedule
Click on a title/author below for the web page
Click here for our BOOK CLUB ARCHIVE for some of our past choices.
All meetings are in the library on Thursdays at 10:00 am.
December - Date TBD
"A Wonderful Life" and/or read the short story "The Greatest Gift"
Frank Capra (director) read The Greatest Gift and immediately saw its film potential.