Lenten Prayerful Yoga is Back!
Prayerful Yoga introduces physical worship of the Lord through prayer, body alignment, mindful breathing and movement. It is a form of collective worship involving the mind, body and spirit. Yoga practice has proven to provide numerous physical and mental health benefits. Spiritually, it encourages patience and cultivates a quiet mind, enabling us to listen for God’s still small voice.
Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with your soul and with your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30) By inviting God to our yoga practice, we form deeper connections with God and one another.
This Lenten season, consider spending one hour a week in this devotion by joining our Prayerful Yoga group in one of our classrooms. We will meet on wed from 12:00 –1:00 here at St. Matthew’s during Lent (2/26-4/1). Beginners are welcome!*
Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat, rug or towel. Classes are free, with a suggested donation of $10 for St. Matthew’s Urban Promise Outreach Program. There will be an optional bag lunch after class- please join us!
*New this year will be the inclusion of Chair Yoga. Modifications will be made to accommodate participants who prefer to use a chair instead of a yoga mat.
Questions? Contact Gioia Gioiafm@verizon.net or Ellie ecdriscoll@msn.com