New Consecration Sunday - October 2016

Parishioner's personal messages

consecration Sunday sermon - Oct 30th

St. Matthews welcomed The Reverend Canon Dr. Rob Droste, Canon for Congregational Development and Mission from the Diocese of New Jersey on Consecration Sunday.

Click below to listen to his sermon.

Brunch Pics

Top 10 reasons why New Consecration Sunday is a great idea!

     •    It generates enthusiasm for our participation in God’s Mission through St. Matthew’s.

•    It puts the spiritual aspect into the practice of giving.

•    The campaign is abbreviated.

•    It allows us more time to worship, not talk about money.

•    It is a great party for the whole parish and a time to give thanks.

•    We get to hear compelling stories about how God and St. Matthew’s are making a difference in our own members’ lives.

•    We get to pay attention to an essential and enlivening question: What is God asking each of us?

•    It encourages us to celebrate all the varied gifts that make St. Matthew’s so special.

•    It helps us to see our personal finances as part of those gifts.

•    NCS brings us closer to Jesus Christ and through Him, to our Christian community.