Welcome Back Coffee Hour and Ministry Fair!
On Sunday, September 9th, the Hospitality Committee will host a festive “Welcome Back Coffee Hour” and Ministry Fair in Belmont Hall, immediately following the 10am service. A nice meet and greet opportunity for parishioners after the summer months, and opportunities to learn more about getting involved at St. Matthew’s. There are so many wonderful opportunities to choose from, serving within and beyond our parish walls! Please join us, say hello to friends and “browse.”
Families will have the opportunity to greet our new Interim Director of Children’s and Families, Cheryl Watterson, and to register for the Kairos Sunday school program if they have not done so already, online or in person. Do you serve on a parish committee or ministry group that would like to be represented at the Ministry Fair? Maybe you staff a table at the Christmas Bazaar and would like to find more “elves”? Want to start a new ministry or group at St. Matthew’s? All are welcome and encouraged. We’d be happy to save you a spot at a table where you may share information about your group or ministry, to provide handouts, to sign people up to join your committee, etc.
To reserve a spot in Belmont hall, and for any questions and concerns, please reach out to Debbie Linthorst at dlinthorst@comcast.net.