Pastoral Care

Your pastoral needs will be addressed promptly and are a priority. You can contact the parish office at (609) 737-0985.

Pastoral care at St. Matthew's comes in many forms, and our parish caregivers have answered many needs in the spirit of love and devotion – some participating in more than one ministry. Following are some of the ways you can get involved:

Prayer Partners: Confidential prayer time is offered by rotating prayer teams every Sunday in the Chapel, before or after you receive Communion. Requests are private, and although your concerns may seem overwhelming – no need or request is too big or too small.

Lay Eucharistic Ministry: Those interested may receive training to take Communion to our homebound parishioners.

Pet and Card Therapy: Handmade cards are sent to those in need of support. Pet therapy volunteers visit people with their well-behaved dogs.

Meals: There are times when individuals or families need meals provided for them for a limited time period. These can be supplied by our pastoral care volunteers.

One-on-One Pastoral Care: This ministry provides once-a-week visits to our homebound parishioners, and may involve some grocery shopping as well. Communion may be offered by those specially trained in this ministry.

Prayer Chain: Prayers are offered for those who need immediate and confidential prayer, usually short-term. People in need call in, and word is spread through the prayer chain volunteers.

Grief and Loss Support: Support for those facing the loss or death of a loved one. We are here to support one another. Our meetings are confidential, and are open to anyone who is bearing a loss. We meet in a prayerful, supportive atmosphere of mutual care and support. We count on our faith in Jesus Christ to help us through and look to him as the source of our healing and wholeness.

Other support Groups in the area are also available, as well as online support.

Please click here for Local Grief Support Network and Groups.

Funeral Receptions: These are held in the Parish Hall immediately following the funeral service of a parishioner. Many hands contribute to setting up for a light lunch to be served, followed by desserts made by parishioners. 

Drivers: There is always a need for those who might be able to provide transportation for a ride to church, a medical appointment, or shopping.

Being involved in Pastoral Care is being a part of the heart of our church, in seeing to the needs of others. For more information, or to become involved in this ministry, please call the church office at (609) 737-0985.