A Parish Message of Gratitude for Rev. Ophelia

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Connection is precious in this time of distance, isolation, and, in the darkest moments, despair. Our St. Matthew's family has been an abiding beacon of hope, lighting a path through the uncertainty. The pandemic has given beautiful meaning to pastoral care in our community, led by Ophelia Laughlin's devoted and steadfast ministry.

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Ophelia, our parish is grateful for you in so many ways—from your enlightening email blasts, to your river of Zoom links, flowing with evening prayer worship, Bible studies, counseling sessions and more. Your Facebook Live services are a steady source of inspiration, reminding us that we are always together in our faith and mission to serve God, even when we can't slide into our favorite spot in the pew. And Eric, you are a special partner in ministry, sharing a passion for worship that moves us until we can kneel together again.

Ophelia, in a recent sermon you said we are finding new ways to love our neighbors and embrace a sturdy faith that sustains us through these difficult times. You invited us to discover where we see new life in our own surroundings. Thanks to you, we need not look far. At a time when we are forbidden to join hands, you have united our St. Matthew's community. You have braved technology (oh, the glitches!) to create rich opportunities for consistent connection and exploration, and to provide kindness, encouragement and spiritual sustenance. Thank you for your guidance and, more importantly, for your presence. We are so blessed.